Tuesday, 12 June 2012

To Religious Teachers and Preachers of the World

Text in Light Blue or bold Light Blue can be "clicked" for backup in scripture or detail in writings.
Not Entering or Preaching the Kingdom of God Within
You must first be cleansed.

There were many like you in my time on the earth.

This is a call for you to
quit preaching and repent. Then toseek the Lord's voice for guidance."

Thus said the Lord God.
Beware! The only people to whom Christ spoke harsh words, were to the money changers in the temple and to the religious teachers of the day, the Pharisees. 
His severe criticisms included
 (click to see them all)
If you are not leading others into the Kingdom of God within (while alive on earth, not having to die first), you also are blocking the way just like the Pharisees whom Jesus severely criticized. If your teachings are not focused as a first priority on seeking the Kingdom of Heaven and His righteousnesswhich is within you and does not come with visible signs, you are just like the Pharisees whom Christ severely criticized. If you are preaching that you have die to go to heaven,you are blocking the way into the Kingdom; and you are a blind guide leading your followers into the ditch andinto captivity.
If you tell someone who is seeking God, that all they have to do is believe in Jesus and/or be water baptized to be righteous, you are worse than the Pharisees who killed Jesus; they at least tried to teach others to obey the moral law. You are not only blocking the door to the Kingdom, you are standing at the beginning of the path to righteousness, saying: because you believedon't fear God, don't seek God, don't strive to enter by the narrow gate, and don'tobey.

Yet the pursuit of obedience leads to righteousness; and when seeking God is the whole purpose of life!
Unless you stop excusing the wicked, telling sinners they are righteous already, just by believing in Jesus, this shall be your cursed lot in the next life of eternal shame. Seeking God is the whole purpose of life, and the seeking is not over until a salvation is experienced which includes purityholiness,perfectionjudgment, being freed from even the desire to sin, destruction of the residual man of sin within one by the brightness of his comingunion with Christ and the Father, the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, seeingthe Glory of God, you appearing in glory, fellowship with past saints made perfect, and fellowship with the Father and Christ - an unmistakable salvation, clearly seen, clearly felt, clearly understood.

Further, you teach those still in sin to be proud, exalting themselves; without humility they will never hear the voice of the Lord, the word of God within, which being obedient to, leads to righteousness and salvation to all those who give heed and obey HimHeb 5:9. Any salvation not based on seeking God, seeking righteousness, and purity through death of the sinful nature on the inward cross or self-denial, the cross of Christ - is make-believe salvation. A true shepherd of Christ does not tolerate sin in his flock: per Paul, "those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear," 1 Timothy 5:20; but not until you have been purified bygoing to Christ to listen, hear, and obey - repeatedly.
Jesus's other criticisms of Religious 'Leaders' were:
Sounds very contemporary doesn't it? Woe to you, for several apply to you too!

Proper WorshipGod is a Spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. John4:24

Do you know how to worship in spirit and truth? Do you know how to teach others to worship in spirit and truth?
People must be acquainted with Him as a Spirit, consider and worship Him as such.
To be pleasing to God, all words of praise, prayer, and song, must come from the Holy Spirit within a man. 

Since you don't know how to teach people how to do be able to do this, you are a blind guide!

Those who still sin, are still wicked.
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright His delight. Pro 15:8
The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord: but the words of the pure are pleasant words. Pro 15:26 

You don't even know what the rest is, much less how to lead others to the rest.
Preaching for Money or Taking a Salary
If you are taking a salary from you congregation, you are violating Peter's command: Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre (money). 1 Peter 5:2 

The use of 'filthy lucre' to describe money, shows Peter's contempt of receiving money for preaching; especially when contrasted to the true motivation for preaching - the love of God, the love of all your fellow men, the love of your fellow believers in particular, and most important of all reasons, obedience to the specific, personalcommands of the Master and Lord. No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. 
Matt 6:24

Here is what Christ tells us about hired hand shepherds, (those who work for filthy lucre):
He is making the point that since the hired hand does not work for the love of God and love of the flock, at the first sign of adversity, he will flee; he doesn't care about the flock, or else he wouldn't be extracting money from them.

Jesus commanded his disciples: freely you have received, freely give. Matt 10:8
The Amplified Bible makes it even clearer: Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give.

Jesus said: And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Luke 10:7-8. So here Jesus says, eat and drink such things as they give, because a worker worthy is hireThis is the wages that Christ allows, gifts, which could include a gift of money of course. 

But if you ask, and someone complies, it is not a gift; a gift is unsolicited. Neither is taking up a collection or taking a salary receiving a gift. To be a gift, it has to be totally unsolicited.

Paul said: Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. 2 Cor 2:17. What is my reward then? Truly, that when I preach the gospel, I may offer the gospel of Christ without charge. 1 Cor 9:18. Paul didn't even take gifts for himself; he worked as a tentmaker. Later in his ministry, he did take at least two greatly appreciated, gifted contributions. Many of today's ministers chose the ministry as a way to earn an income - like becoming a doctor or a lawyer; but Christ is supposed to choose his own shepherds, educate them himself, and then appoint them, then send them to serve without tithing, collections, pledges, or salaries.

Preaching for a salary is the error of Balaam, which is spiritual adultery, loving wages and profit - both Peter and Jude had some very grave things to say about those who solicit donations or preach for a salary. Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children - for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

Tithing died with the Levitical priesthood; the only places it is referenced in the New Testament is the claim of the self-righteous Pharisee, and the explanation of its death in HebrewsAlso see Fox's detailed writing on the beginning and end of tithes.

Commonly quoted scriptures, ignoring the above commands, used to justify preaching for filthy lucre are refuted at the end of this section; click to see them.
Preaching Before Being Trained, Perfected, Authorized, and Sent by Christ
The master is Christ. You are a blind disciple. If the disciple starts teaching before the master has perfected and authorized him, then the blind pupil thinks he is superior to the master. But a disciple who is perfected is like the master. (Luke 6:39-40). You must wait for the master to pronounce you ready to teach; or with still more training, ready to preach, and ready to substitute for him. You must wait until you are told what to do and when to do it. If you are teaching or preaching now, from where does your authority come? You say a college or university, or your religious organization? From where does their authority come? Jesus said you must be set to rights, (as in authorized to teach or preach by Jesus himself), restored, (to the divine image of God as was Adam before the fall) readjusted, and perfected. (Luke 6:39-40).
The disciple is not above his master, but everyone who is perfect [purifiedrestored to the spiritual image of Godspecifically authorized, and perfectedwill be like his master. Luke 6:40By teaching or preaching without His explicit authority and His personal training, from Him to you, you are claiming superiority to Him; without it, by teaching or preaching, Jesus says you are estimating yourself, a pupil, to be superior to Him, THE teacher. And this authorization of being set to rights from Christ does not come by feeling, doors opening, desires on your part, or your opinion - it has to come after perfection and from spoken words from Christ directly to you, and heard by you, that specifically tell you what to do and when to do itThe Lord of the harvest specifically sends forth his individual laborers. Such authorization comes from him directly and specifically; you hear him say: you are now a teacheror: preach repentance with remission of sins. (And, yes, after being taught for years, we have heard those exact words followed by his insistent commandyou have been given understanding, which you will make clear to everyone.)Until your mind is renewed by repentance to purity with God's changing grace, your preachings and teachings come from the carnal mind, and the carnal mind is enmity against GodRom 8:7. Until your mind has been changed, your words are without life, and speak from the nature of death. You can be a great public speakerreceiving the praise of men, but so did the false prophets of old. Luke 6:26

Even Jesus did not judge, speak, or act without the Spirit's specific prompting.
By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hearJohn 5:30
whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak. John 12:49-50
the Son is able to do nothing of Himself (of His own accord);
but He [the son] is able to do only what He sees the Father doing, John 5:19
He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory,
but he who seeks the glory of the One who sent him,
that man is true, and there is no unrighteousness is in him. John 7:18.

Any man who speaks of God or Christ without the Spirit's specific promptings is seeking his own glory,
and he is estimating himself to be greater than Christ,
for Christ said: The disciple is not above his master, but everyone who is perfect [purified, restored to the spiritual image of God, specifically authorized, and perfected] will be like his master. Luke 6:40.

You who.. are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having the form of knowledge and truth in the law. You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you steal? Rom 2:19-21

Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?
Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seenJohn 3:11 

(Not what you have read about, not what you have heard from others.)
To be a minister of Christ, one must be taught, not by colleges and other men, but by the Holy Spirit. Per Paul:This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words1 Cor 2:13.
Until you are purified with the Spirit speaking through you, your witnessing, teaching, and preaching will not reach the holy part of each person, and your growth will be retarded or stopped

(Unauthorized teaching is why you can't hear the Word of God within your heart, ever reach purity, or enter the Kingdom;
unauthorized teachers are in spiritual captivity because they are leading others into spiritual captivity by teaching errors.)

According to the Paul in Ephesians, the purpose of teachers, preachers, and pastors, having first been gifted* their office by the Holy Spirit, is for the perfecting of the saints and to bring people to the fullness and completeness of Christ:
*a gift from the Holy Spirit is not a talent to make speeches sourced from a book; many pagans have such talents. A gift from the Holy Spirit is to be explicitly appointed by the Holy Spirit, after having been taught and cleansed sufficiently to be able to consistently speak from the Holy Spirit's words and promptings. Unless you have heard the Lord specifically authorize and gift to you the office of preacher, pastor, or teacher, you are without his authority, permission, or approval; and you will only hear his condemnation to come.
How can you perform the function of perfecting the saints and bringing people to the fullness and completeness of Christ, unless you have first been perfected to his fullness and completeness yourself? Of course, you can't.And as long as you are preaching or teaching without having been specifically authorized by the Master, you are teaching errors. You are leading others into spiritual captivity, and therefore you are in captivity too, unable to hear the voice of the Lord.

Jesus spoke of the spiritual condition of any unpurified religious leader, not having been cleansed by him through repentance.
      You make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within are full of extortion and excess.
      You are blind, first cleanse the inside of the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
      You are like whitewashed tombs, outwardly beautiful, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
      So you also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Mat 23:25-28 

Beware of False Prophets, You Will Know Them By Their Fruits
(Prophesy is to preach; to instruct in religious doctrines; to interpret or explain Scripture or religious subjects; for edification, exhortation, and comfort. 1 Cor 14:3)
Christ said, "you will know them by their fruits;"
which Paul explained as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 
Jesus said, When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified,
and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of Mine. John 15:8

If you have not produced fruit, you are not even a true follower of Christ, much less a minister of Christ.
If you are not a follower of Christ, you are a blind guide leading people into the ditch and into captivity.

Those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 
Gal 5:24. If you have not crucified your sinful nature with its passions and desires, evidenced by destruction of sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, hatred, lying, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, etc., you don't even belong to Christ, despite what you claim; so how can you be a minister of Christ? Gal 5:19-24

Without having crucified the sinful nature to produce the fruit of the spirit, you are a false prophet of whom Jesus warned
(Prophesy is to preach; to instruct in religious doctrines; to interpret or explain Scripture or religious subjects; to exhort. 1 Cor 14:1-3)
So here, he is warning you that he will reject preachers who have prophesied (preach; to instruct in religious doctrines; to interpret or explain Scripture or religious subjects; to exhortin the name of Jesus, even having performed miracles in the name of Jesus.
Now if many, who call him Lord and think they are Christians, are rejected by him because they practice lawlessness (still sin); what will he do to those, who told them they were righteous, while still sinning, and assured them they were going to heaven - despite their continuing to sin? The punishment of the deceiver will exceed the punishment of the deceived, for blackest darkness is reserved for those promising freedom to those just beginning to escape from sin2 Pet 2:15-18, Jude 1:11-13I will bring, upon them an everlasting reproach and perpetual shame that shall never be forgotten, Jer 23:40.

You follow in the footsteps of your spiritual fathers, the false prophets of Israel: Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination, 'Hear the word of the LORD,' Because they have seduced my people saying, 'Peace!' when there is no peace. .. you have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad, and have strengthened the hands of the wicked, so that he does not return from his wicked way, by (falsely) promising him life. And yes, you make the righteous sad with your horrible lies that you continually repeat; and you strengthen the hands of the wicked, approving of his sinful ways, and promising him life.
Do you know how to turn people from darkness to light? Do you know what the light is?
Do you know how to release people from their sins? How to release them from the power of Satan to God?
Do you know how one can be consecrated and purified by faith in Jesus?

Of course you don't know. You are not obedient to God's commands yourself. You don't understand the Kingdom of God, you deny purity is possible on earth, you don't know what the rest is or how to get there, you don't understand salvation, you don't know Jesus - for if you knew him, you would keep his commands. You are notpreaching the good news that Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins; instead you are promising your followers freedom to continue in their sins. You are preaching lies that Jesus is our excuse for remaining a slave to sin until death, instead of the truth that he came to free the prisoners and destroy the works of the devil in us, to become slaves of God with a reward of holiness and be servants of righteousnessYou are a blind guide, in the ditch yourself, and coaxing others to join you there. Today you are first, but in the next life you will be last; the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.
From A Christian Progress, by George Whitehead:
It is the life of Christ Jesus which must preach in his ministers and servants; their conversation must preach righteousness, innocence, and be incapable of blame; it is such ministers who live in this life, who are ready to make full proof of their ministry, by witnessing against all that is contrary to it. What authority do any have to preach against covetousness, immorality, and injustice, who are guilty of the same themselves? Surely they have no divine authority, life or power, when they are conscious of being guilty of the same. Truth and righteousness must come over all, and work through all, and prevail; and the Lamb must have the victory; in whose meekness and innocence you all must live and dwell.
What that kingly prophet David earnestly prayed to God for, in Psalm fifty-one, truly sets forth the state and condition of true gospel ministers, whose ministry is attended with His power and presence, and thereby made effective for the conversion of sinners unto him. "Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sinCreate in me a clean heart, O God; and renew right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence; and take not your holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of your salvation; and uphold me with your free Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors your ways; and sinners shall be converted to you."
When it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen.’ Gal 1:15-16. And Christ said, ‘No man knows the son but the Father, neither knows any man the Father save the son, and he to whom the son will reveal him.’ Mat 11:27.Now can any be ministers, or preachers of the son of God, or of the Father, without this revelation, seeing they cannot know the son, or the Father except by revelation? So then none can truly preach God or Christ, if they do not know them, unless Christ reveals himself and his Father to them, (per George Fox). Reading about Jesus, and listening to others talk about him, is not knowing him.
Being "Called" Instead of  Ordered or Commanded

Being touched by God, or having a spiritual experience, is not his "call" to be a preacher; it is a summons to seek him: many are called, few are chosen. Far, far too many people interpret a touch by God to be a call to preach. 
If he wants you to be a preacher, he will first educate you himself and then give you direct orders as to what to do and when to do it. He doesn't leave you to guess about a feeling, a call, an opinion, an inspiration, a burden, a desire, or a "door opening" to walk through. I know one minister whose "call" was being accepted into seminary and not into a secular college.
Interpreting a spiritual experience as a "call," even after a Bible College education, and then teaching or preaching, stops your spiritual growth dead- because you are not teaching or preaching from control of the Spirit of God, you are teaching and preaching from the carnal mind, which is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Rom 8:7. So, your preaching and teaching is not true, and for this you suffer condemnation, which prevents you from progressing spiritually. You have not been taught by Christ; you have not been perfected; you have not be authorized; you are teaching lies, traditional lies, but still lies.
Job, whom God twice described as a perfect man, has an exact description of Christendom's preachers and teachers:
Mark! This is an exact description of preachers and teachers who do not speak words as prompted by the Spirit of God. They speak in error for him. They speak with evil words from their carnal minds, and the evil imaginations of their heartsThey claim to be speaking for God as his representative. They arephysicians of no value. They are the forgers of lies. They make arguments in place of GodIt would be good if they shut their mouths permanently and refused to speak another word about God until they were trained, perfected, gifted, and authorized the privilege from the Holy Spirit of God. Yes, when Christendom's preachers and teachers speak from their carnal mindsthey are mocking God. They are taking God's name in vain, in their pride and vanity.
If you are preaching or teaching religion now, you must give it up, humbly seek the voice of the Lord's teachings, and find another means of income. Every word you preach or teach that is not spoken with the Spirit's control puts condemnation on youand those you save become twice as fit for Hell as you are by believing your false promises of salvation. Unless you are purified by the teacher, your leading and teaching is from blindness, and blind guides lead their followers into the ditch of captivity. Those who lead into captivity will go into captivity.Just because everybody is doing it, doesn't excuse you; the whole earth follows the beast with horns like a lamb.Rev. 13:12. So stop. The scriptures above cannot be refuted, no matter how you look at them. If you love the Lord and want to please him, you will stop teaching and preaching immediately, and seek his teaching, perfecting grace, and specific leading from his voice. Until you stop, you will receive no help from Him. Some day you will have to face all the people you have misled and see their pain; you will profoundly regret every word you have spoken in his name. Their blood will be on your head; your condemnation will be proportional to every person you have misled with false teachings. 

You may have an advantage: if you know the scriptures, and if you entered the profession from your love of the Lord; giving up your ministry, to listen for guidance from the voice of the Lord in hopes of being perfected by Christ, may result in your fast spiritual progress. If the Lord sees you give up your ministry, he may reward you even more than most. Many ministers from deficit sects quickly became free ministers of the Truth for the early Quakers under direct control of the Master, Christ; (click to read one outstanding example). If you are really working under his control - you won't ever have to ask for money again. Peter forbids you to ask for money as Christ's minister(1 Peter 5:2) but if you are truly following Christ, he will see that all your material needs are more than met without violating his command and Peter's command by asking for money or taking a salary; with your words and deeds being directed by Him to his glory, gathering under his direction instead of your shameful scattering without his direction. 
Now George Fox, from his Journal 

George Fox also has an extensive writing, going completely through the Old Testament and New, to show how a preacher, whose words are not controlled and supplied by the Holy Spirit, is in error.
(Text in Light Blue can be clicked on to Bible verse backup.)
You are such as the prophet Jeremiah cried against, Jer 5:31, when he said, "The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means;" which he called a horrible filthy thing. You are such as used their tongues, and said, "Thus said the Lord," when the Lord never spoke to them. You are those who followed their own spirits; and saw nothing; but spoke a divination of their own brain; and by their lies and their lightness caused the people to errJer14:14. You are such as those who sought their gain from their quarter; that were as greedy dumb dogs, that could never have enough, whom the Lord sent his prophet Isaiah to cry against: Isa.56:11. You are such as they were who taught for handfuls of barley and pieces of bread, who sewed pillows under people's arm-holes, that they might lie soft in their sins. Ezek 13:18-21. You are like those who taught for the fleece and the wool, and made a prey of the people. Ezek 34:2-15. But the Lord is gathering his sheep from your mouths, and from your barren mountains; and is bringing them to Christ, the one shepherd, whom he has set over his flocks; as by his prophet Ezekiel he then declared he would do. You are such as those that divined for money, and preached for hire; and if a man did not put into their mouths they prepared war against him, as the prophet Micah complained, Mic 3:5 ...they were like the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees, whom Christ cried woe against. Mat 23. The true apostles cried against those false apostles, who taught for filthy lucre; such antichrists and deceivers as they cried against, that minded earthly things, and served not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies; for they that served Christ gave freely and preached freely, as he commanded them. But those who will only preach for hire, tithes, or outward means, serve their own bellies, and not Christ; and through the good words of the scriptures, and feigned words of their own, they made merchandise of the people then, as (I said) you do now. ... they were like the Pharisees, loving to be called of men masters, to go in long robes, to stand praying in the synagogues, to have the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the like; and when in the sight of the people. 

from Principles 
Concerning the MINISTRY 

The true ministry of Christ we own and witness, and the ministers and messengers of Christ we own and witness, but those who have gotten the letter and form to trade with, which was spoken forth freely, and deny the life and power, those we deny, with their ministry. We deny all those who go to get human learning, for a certain number of years, as though they were serving a apprenticeship, pretending to study divinity; and when their learning time has expired, they go among ignorant blind people to obtain a position for set wages. Thus, they sell the knowledge which they studied and gotten into their carnal minds; and those who listen to them, receive the knowledge into their brains; and so they live upon dust which is the serpent's meat, feeding upon the tree of knowledge both priest and people, Mic. 3:10, death feeding death, and with the notion begets into the notion, and feeding the carnal mind with the carnal letter. This results in drunkards, swearers, liars, proud, covetous, envious, wrathful, contentious, and all unrighteous people have gotten the letter [scriptures] to talk of, or discuss, even in the ale-houses, or tippling-houses. But this ministry creates no reformation; it only has the form [shell of godliness], and leads into the form, and denies the life and power, which is neither to be bought nor sold for money. So from such we turn away, are made by the will of man, are approved by the will of man, and are upheld by the will of man, and not by the will of God. Their call and ministry we deny, which is through men, and formal imitation; their ministry is the invention of man, and so merely delusional. This is why the land overflows with iniquity, and all manner of ungodliness, with no better reformation wrought among them. Their ministry is so dark, and dead, and cold; and yet the land full of teachers, and yet the people are lost for lack of teaching, Jer 23:29-32, and so they spend their money for that which is not bread, and their labor for that which profits not, Isa. 55:2. We say men must witness a direct call from God, from their outward callings and countries, lands, livings and possessions, into several countries, to preach the free Gospel as they had received it, by the immediate inspiration of the Spirit, and speak it forth as they are moved by the Holy Ghost, and as the Spirit gives them utterance freely, as they have received it freely, by which ministry many are convinced, and as they abide in it are converted, as many in the nation can witness to the honor and glory of God, who are now new creatures. This call we own and witness, and this ministry we own and witness, which is direct from God, and stands in the will of God. These ministers covet no man's silver nor gold, neither can they be hired to serve a certain place; but the travel from place to place [as directed by the Spirit], and have no certain dwelling place. These are the true ministers of Jesus Christ, who make the Gospel free and without charge; and this we own and witness. And for the testimony of this true ministry, some of us are imprisoned, some stoned, some stocked, whipped and shamefully entreated, as vagabonds, and deluders, and wanderers, and raisers of sedition, and pestilent fellows, and esteemed not worthy to live in the nation, both by priest, and people, and rulers, who are out of the commands of God, and are vagabonds and fugitives from God, who go in the way of Cain, to envy and murder the innocent. Because we declare against all who come not in by the door, but seek to climb up another way, by their study, inventions, and serpentine wisdom and knowledge, and so are thieves and robbers; and those are they which are now so set up and extolled with great augmentations and benefices, by the arm and will of flesh, now heads, and such ministers and their ministry we deny, for the hand of the Lord is against such,John 10:1. But this which we own is no new call or new ministry, but the same which was with the prophets and apostles, and all who God sent witnessed. Here is the difference of the ministers of the world and the ministers of Christ: one comes by the will of man, the other by the will of God; and one is upheld by the will of man, the other by the will of God, contrary to the will of man; and the one of the letter, [Bible] the other of the Spirit; the one has the form and shadow, and the other the life and substance; and the effects and fruits of their ministry makes them manifest; but from such turn away, 2 Tim 3:5, who have the form, but not the life and power, for they are mere deceivers, and witches; who bewitch people from the Truth, holding forth the shadow instead of the substance; and what is the shadow to the substance? Or what is the chaff to the wheat? He that has an ear to hear, let him hear and understand.
From the Journal

Christ was always hated; and so the righteous are hated for his sake. Mind who they were that did always hate them. He that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit; so it is now. Mind who were the principal opposers of Christ, even the great learned men, the heads of the people, rulers, and teachers, that professed the law and the prophets, and looked for Christ. They looked for an outwardly glorious Christ, to hold up their outward glory; but Christ spoke against the works of the world, and against the priests, scribes, and Pharisees, and their hypocritical profession. He that is a stranger to Christ is a hireling; but the servants of Jesus Christ are free men. The false teachers always laid burdens upon the people; and the true servant of the Lord declared against them. Jeremiah spoke against hirelings, and said, it was a horrible thing; and said, "What will you do in the end?" For the people and priests were given to covetousness. Paul spoke against such as made gain from the people, and exhorted the saints to turn away from such as were covetous and proud, such as loved pleasures more than God, such as had a form of godliness, but denied the power of that. "For of this sort," said he, "are they, that creep into houses, and lead captive silly women, who are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; men of corrupt mind, reprobate concerning the faith, and as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these resist the truth; but they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be made manifest unto all men." Moses rejected honors and pleasures, which he might have enjoyed. The apostle in his time saw this corruption entering, which now is spread over the world, of having a form of godliness but denying the power. Ask any of your teachers, whether you may ever overcome your corruptions or sins? None of them believe that; but "as long as man is here, he must (they say), carry about with him the body of sin." Thus pride is kept up, and that honor and mastership which Christ denied, and all unrighteousness. Yet multitudes of teachers! Heaps of teachers! The golden cup full of abominations! Paul did not preach for wages, but labored with his hands, that he might be an example to all that follow him. Oh people, see who follows Paul! The prophet Jeremiah said, “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means;" but now the priests bear rule by the means (salaries) they get from the people: take away their means, and they will bear rule over you no longer. They are such as the apostle said, "intruded into those things which they never saw, being vainly puffed up with a fleshly mind;" and as the scriptures declare of some of old,"they go in the way of Cain," who was a murderer, "and in the way of Balaam," who coveted the wages of unrighteousness. The prophet Micah also cried against the judges that judged for reward, and the priests that taught for hire, and the prophets that prophesied for money; yet leaned on the Lord, saying, “is  not the Lord among us?" Gifts blind the eyes of the wise. The gift of God was never purchased with money. All the holy servants of God cried against deceit; and where the Lord has manifested his love, they loathe it, and that nature which holds it up.

George Fox

From Margaret Fox's Letter
But to the men of the letter, [Bible] who are only ministers of the letter, the Light and inward Law is a mystery, who neither know the life of the law, nor the gospel. They have gotten into the seat of the scribes and Pharisees, who had the law and the Prophets outwardly read every Sabbath day, yet did not know the life of Moses, who wrote of Christ, and said, a prophet would the Lord raise like unto me, who spoke to God face to face. Theprophets prophesied of Christ, of the coming of the just one, and of his sufferings, how he should be led as a sheep to the slaughter, and how he should be as a lamb, dumb before his shearers. Though they read this without them, yet when it came to be fulfilled, they were so blind, they did not see it, and so crucified the Lord of life.
But now the beast has gotten into another color, and now his ministers have gotten the words of Christ, and of his Apostles, and they take these words, and have gotten into the seat of the Pharisees, which Christ found them in, when he came, and cried Woe against. Here they sit decked with Christ’s words, and the Apostles' words, and the saints words. With these they continue deceiving poor people, and making merchandise of their souls,speaking things they ought not for filthy lucrewho serve not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies. They betray and murder poor souls, and do all that in them lie and spend all their strength, against the truth of God, which is now risen in this his day, in life and power, which makes them clearly manifest to be antichrist’s false prophets, and deceivers, who are gone into the world, which John spoke of. Now the Light is risen, and they are manifested, [exposed by the Light], glory and praises be unto the Lord forever, who is gathering his flock, which were scattered, from their mouths. For thus said the Lord, I will both search my Sheep, and seek them out, I will feed them in a good pasture, and they shall lie down in a good fold, and I will set one Shepherd over them, and they shall be no more a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beasts of the field devour them anymoreWoe to the Shepherds said the Lord, that have fed themselves, and not the flock, that feed with the fat, and are clothed with the wool. The Lord is coming to be avenged of them, the Light is risen, which makes them manifest, to be the false prophets, and the antichrist’s. They were seemingly all true prophets, until the Light came, which made them manifest, by their fruits, while they were clothed in the sheep’s clothing, the saints words, and Christ’s words, painted sepulchers, beautiful without.
But now that the true prophet, Christ Jesus is risen, whom Moses said, the Lord would raise, now they appear to be the false prophets indeed which Christ told us to beware of, who come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening Wolvesby their fruits we know them, who said lo here, and lo there; but Christ said, believe them not. All their practice and labor is to oppose, and persecute the truth of God, as it is in Jesus now made manifest in his saints. They deny and oppose the light, when all the ministers of God, which ever taught for God, turned people from the darkness to the light, and from the power of Satan unto God. They do what they can to turn [people] from the Light, and to keep people in darkness. So here they stand to keep people from the first principle, that leads to God; for the Light is the first principle of pure religion, and undefiled before God. Some of them deny the Light, and some call it natural; and so they deny Christ Jesus, who is given a covenant of Light, which is the true Light, which has enlightened every man that comes into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not: and so these antichrist’s, and deceivers, which are entered into the world, know him not, who has said, I am the door of the sheep, all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers. I am the door, by me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.But these thieves and robbers, who are hirelings, who only come to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, (as Christ said), they keep from the door; and deny that by which every one enters, who are saved, the LIGHT, Christ Jesus, who is the cornerstone, and rock, upon which the whole Church is built. This [Light] they deny to be sufficient, to teach salvation. They deny the new covenant, the Law written in the heart, and call obedience to the Light, and Law of God, a covenant of works.

They would have the Law and the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles to talk of, and steal their words, and never expect to come into the life and condition of the prophets, Christ and the Apostles. So they deny revelation, and the Spirit's teaching, and would steal that which the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles wrote, and make it their own, [by speaking their words without possessing the Spirit by which they were written, yet pretending they fully understand the words enough to teach others what they mean]. So they go about to make poor people believe, who are ignorant of God, and all truth, that they can serve God, with their stolen words, who is a God of truth, and a jealous God, a just, and a righteous God, who renders unto every one according to their deeds. They [these minister without the Apostles' spirit] shall know one day, when they have filled up the measure of their fathers, [the Pharisees and scribes that crucified Christ], that upon them will come, all the righteous blood, which has been shed from Abel. So they go on, and preach up sin, that none can be free from sin, so long as they are upon earth, and the impossibility of perfection. They get the Apostles and Christ’s words, and quite deny that which they spoke for, preached and prayed for, and labored for, which was to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
Letter 91.-A General Epistle for Friends, concerning the Priests.
All Friends,

in the spirit of the living God wait upon God,
to learn of and to be taught by him.
For now the beast opens his mouth in blasphemy,
speaking great swelling words
And now is the cage of unclean birds, and the unclean spirits,
which are gone forth into the earth, seen. 

And now are the locusts seen, and the caterpillars known.
And now are the seven thunders uttering their voices.
And now are the hailstones falling,
and the vials of the wrath of God pouring out upon the beast and the false prophet.
And now are the white-washed walls seen, and the painted tombs,
which garnish the tombs of the righteous,
and build the tombs of the prophets, full of dead men's bones
Now are the inwardly ravening wolves seen,
which have gotten the sheep's clothing
And now are the false prophets seen,
which through covetousness make merchandise of the people
And now are the thistles, and briars, and thorns, where the figs do not grow, seen.
And now are they seen which make merchandise
of the words of the prophets, Christ, and the apostles, 

and through pretence make long prayers;
who devour widows' houses.

And now are such known, who lead silly women captive,
who are always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,
some thirty, forty, some sixty years
And now are such known and seen, and manifest with the light,
that Christ spoke of, that should beat his followers in the synagogues,
and hale them before magistrates for his name's sake
yes, if they killed them, should think they did God good service.
And now are such teachers seen and known,
that sport themselves in the daytime, and walk after their own ungodly lusts.
And now such are seen that go in Cain's way, who would murder,
and do murder in their hearts, who are in envy,
who are the vagabonds, and the fugitives,
who have not a habitation in God, who is love.
And now are such seen and known, who go in Balaam's way,
who love the wages of unrighteousness, gifts and rewards
And now are such seen and known, who bear rule by their means,
and the people love to have it so;
holding up the horrible and filthy thing committed in the land, as in Jeremiah
And now are such shepherds seen and known,
as seek financial or worldly gain from their position.
Now are such seen and known, as seek for the fleece and the wool,
and make a prey upon the people;
and such as are hirelings, which the Lord sent Ezekiel and Micah to cry against
And now are such seen and known, which our Lord Jesus Christ cried woe against;
who stand praying in the synagogues, having the principal seats in the assemblies,
called of men masters, which devour widows' houses. 

And now are such deceivers seen and known,
that by their lies and lightness have caused the people to err;
which speak a divination of their own brain, and use their tongues,
and say, the Lord sent them, when he never sent them
And now are the mockers and scorners come, which the scriptures speak of,
which mock, stone, and persecute the children of the light,
as they pass up and down the streets;
and many have been almost murdered in the highways and steeple-houses by them.
And now is the scripture fulfilled, which said,
"That the beast and the dragon shall make war against the lamb and the saints;"
for such are manifest now, who are as natural brute beasts,
what they know they know naturally, having not the life that gave forth the scriptures;
but are found in the self-separation, (from the spirit of God),
having gotten the words, which were declared from the spirit of God,
murdering and destroying, (as much as is in their hearts),
those that are in the light and life of those holy men of God,
that gave forth the scriptures.
Now the shame of all their profession is seen, which is abomination unto the Lord,
who profess the words declared from the light of God,
but are strangers to the light and life.
And now the unsavory things are smelled, tasted of,
and seen to be among many of the professors of religion,
who are more like swine rending,
and like dogs biting and devouring one another, than like the children of the light.
Which manifests them to be contrary to the light;
which all that are contrary to, with the light are condemned.
George Fox

A Small Excerpt from Edward Burrough's Introduction to The Great Mystery, the Great Whore:
Have not you fed yourselves with the fat, and clothed with the wool, and have not the people's souls been starved, and leanness been upon them all! Your plants are dry, barren trees that bring forth no good fruit; and your people are like a wilderness that is untilled, and unploughed, and undressed; and your flocks are like wild asses upon the mountains that are untamed, as rude as the horse and mule, that know no bridle And now it is seen what the end of your ministry is, and what fruit it has brought forth. The Lord has taken notice, and beheld how you have loitered and lain idle, and the nations lie yet like fallow ground that bears no fruit; and men's hearts are untouched with absence of God's word, and there is no sound, true, and perfect sense among your people of the dealings of the Lord, nor of the operation of his spirit, but they remain in great blindness and ignorance, void of the knowledge of God. For you have not caused them to hear his word, [the voice of the Lord, from the Spirit] but you have told your dreams, and your false visions, and you have spoken whatever you imagined of your hearts, and not from the mouth of the Lord; neither have you stood in his counsel, nor hearkened to his voice, and therefore people remain without profit. What they and you know, it is natural, and not by the spirit of the Father; but as dry trees you are, not taught of the Father, and as rough goats, in the nature of swine that are polluted in the filth of the world, and in the nature of dogs, and lions, devouring one another, and biting one another, and killing one another; which things were not in the churches of Christ. And we have a great controversy with you, and that from the Lord. We have tried you, searched you, and discovered your foundation, and it is not sound, nor will stand in the trial. We have fetched your line from the first original, and we have found out your beginning, and we find yours of that race, which Christ prophesied of that should come, who should deceive many, having the sheep's clothing, but inwardly ravening; and who John saw were come, and went out from the apostles and true churches, went from the truth, and went into the world, and had the form of godliness without the power. Here began the race in the apostasy of the churches. And when they apostatized from the true faith, then came up your original false church, and the world went after them, and all that dwelt upon the earth worshipped the beast, that has reigned through all this time of apostasy, which has been since the days of the apostles.
And we find your original goes no further than to the false brethren, and false apostles, who went out from the true apostles, and ran for gifts and rewards, and preached, for filthy lucre, and through covetousness made merchandise of souls, seeking money and gain to themselves. I say, we find your original false church begins there, and your line goes no further, and your first rise never came as far as the true apostles. You were not, in your beginning, of their life nor birth, nor can be reckoned from their original, neither do you succeed them; butyou truly succeed the false apostles, and false brethren, which Christ prophesied should come after his days, andJohn saw were come and coming in his days. And we find you of this stock and generation, and now you are discovered to be contrary to the true apostles, and agreeing with the false apostles, in call, in practice, in maintenance, and in all things; and the line of true judgment is laid upon you all, and you are measured, and found too short, and weighed, and found too light. And we will deal truly with you in Judgment:

First, we do hold controversy with you as concerning your call, your ministry, with which it does not agree, but is contrary to what the apostles' call was; they were called by power from on high and were made ministers by the gift of the holy spirit received from God, and their ministry was an absolute gift from God, and not to be bought and sold for money; and they were anointed of the Father, by his spirit of promise, to preach the gospel. But your call is at schools and colleges, in such and such orders, which are attained through natural industry, such and such arts and sciences, and degrees, having been so many years brought up in studying natural arts and natural languages; this is your ordination and your call, having no respect to receive or to wait for the gift of the holy spirit, to be made ministers thereby; and this is different from the apostles and true ministers, and equal and according to the false prophets and deceivers.
Secondly. Again you are not according, but contrary to the true ministry and ministers of Christ in practice; forthey were led by the spirit of the Father which dwelt in them, and they preached the gospel by the spirit, and spoke as the spirit gave them utterance, and went up and down the world through nations, converting people to the knowledge of the truth; and what they had handled, tasted, seen, and felt of the word of life in then, that they declared to others, and preached the gospel which they had not received from man, nor by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ in them. But your practice is not such, but contrary, for the spirit of this world leads you, and it you follow in all your works, in your preaching, praying, and in your whole worship, in form and tradition; what you have studied out of books and old authors, you preach to people, and what you have noted in a book, that you preach by an hour glass, and not as the spirit of God gives you utterance.
And you seek out and inquire after great benefits, and much money by the year, and where there are much tithes and parish property, and such like; there and to such a place, you go, and seek to be ministers there, and there you remain twenty or forty years, more or fewer as you can agree with the people, and while they will give you so much as will content you, and maintain you, your wives and families, as you say, and regard not whether any be converted to God by your preaching, but people remain always in blindness and ignorance generally, and without the knowledge of God. For you preach other men's words, [repeating words from the Bible] and what you imagine their the saints' words to mean, in a fixed time allotted, leaning upon a soft cushion, and for money and hire preaching to the people, and this is your manner of practice, and ministry in these nations.
But thus did not the apostles, nor Christ's ministers; but the contrary. And by your fruits and works it appears that you are not followers of that spirit that Christ and his ministers were guided by, neither are lawful successors of the apostles; but by your fruits and practice you manifest that the Lord never sent you, and Christ never called you into his service to be his ministers; for in all your practices and in your whole performances of worship you differ, and do not agree with, but are contrary to what the practice and worship of Christ's ministers and churches were in the days of the apostles. This I charge upon you, in the name, and by the authority of the Lord God, and am able to prove it against you, face to face, or otherwise to show that you are not of the same spirit, but contrary to the saints and apostles of old, and so not true successors of them, nor lawful ministers of Christ; as to all people it is, and shall be made manifest.
Thirdly. You disagree with and are contrary altogether to the true ministry, and to the apostles, in respect of your maintenance and wages; for the wages which Christ allowed his ministers, was, into whatsoever house they entered, that was worthy, they might eat such things as were set before them, for the workman (said he) is worthy of his hire. And the apostles eat only of the fruit of the vineyard that they had planted, and of the milk of the flock which they kept, by a free gift of the people, whom they had begotten to the faith; and to whom they sowed spiritual things, it was but as a small matter if they reaped their carnal things; and though as a free gift they would do it, yet the apostle said he would not make the gospel of Christ chargeable. And in this manner were Christ's ministers and ministry in wages and gifts, upheld and maintained outwardly in the world.
Edward Burrough 
From Fox's Journal Again :
Any who speak in public, see that it be in the life of God; for that begets to God; the fruits of that shall never wither. Speaking from the life sows to the spirit which is in prison, and of the spirit reaps life; and the speaking from out of the light sows to the flesh, and of the flesh reaps corruption. This you may see happening all the over world among those speaking out of the life; you can see what they may reap in the field, that is the world. Therefore in the spirit of the Lord wait, which cuts down and casts out all this, the root and branches of it. So in the light wait to receive power, and the Lord God Almighty preserve you in it; whereby you may come to feel the light, that comprehends time and the world, and penetrates it; believing in the light gives you victory over the world. Here the power of the Lord is received, which subdues all the contrary, and puts off the garments that will stain and pollute. With this light you come to reach the light in every man, with which Christ enlightens every man that come into the world; and here the things of Christ come to be known, and the voice of Christ heard. Therefore keep in the light, the covenant of peace; and walk in the covenant of life. There is that which rejoices over the witness of God, and there is that which rejoices in the Lord; which is over that which has made merry over it: of that take notice, you who are in the light. The Lord beautifies those whose trust is in his strength; and the Lord sees those who trust in his strength and those that are in his light. But those who are not from the light and whose eyes are after their abominations and idols, their eyes are to be blinded; their beautiful idols and their abominations are to be destroyed, and by the light condemned, which they have made from the life in their own strength; which with the light is seen, and overthrown by the power of God. "If you can change my covenant," said  the Lord, “which keeps the day in its season, and the night in its season, (mark, my covenant, the light), if you can change this, then may you change the covenant of God with his seed." So all Friends that are turned to the light which comes from him by whom the world was made, who was before it was made, Christ Jesus, the savior of your souls, abide in the light, and you will see your salvation to be walls and bulwarks against that which the light discovers to be contrary to it. Waiting in the light you will receive the power of God, which is the gospel of peace, that you may be shod with it. And know that in one another which raises up the seed of God, sets it over the world and the earth, and crucifies the affections and lusts: then the truth comes to reign, which is the band that encircles.
George Fox
Here Are Some Common Scriptures Quoted by those who want to ignore
Peter's and Christs commands to freely give and preach not for filthy lucre.
The most frequent scriptures quoted is: 1 Timothy 5:17-20
An ox deserves to eat the grain he is treading. An elder is not treading money because the elders are supposed to be developing in his church the fruit of the Spirit: love, peace, joy, faith, kindness, etc. Of the love that results, he may share; but that is not money. It is insidious to twist this scripture to justify covetousness of the preachers.
The New International says "the worker deserves his wages." The King James says 'reward,' not 'wages'; the Amplified says 'hire'. Remember the scripture, 'the wages of sin is death;' wages is a not literal in that statement; it means the result. Paul is using the term wages here similarly. When you look at the whole admonition, it is clear he is talking about honor here, not money. Elders deserve their reward: love, honor, and respect from their  flock for whom the elder works. He even says they deserve double honor. He is even careful to be sure no charge is made against an elder without two or three witnesses. He is trying to be sure they are properly respected, honored, and loved by their flock.
Luke 10:7-8 Jesus said: And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the laborer is worthy of his hire. So here Jesus says, eat and drink such things as they give, because a worker worthy is hireThis is the wages that Christ allows, gifts.He further says: And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. He does not say: order them to serve you whatever you want, or tell them to give you money so you can go out and buy whatever you want. He says: take whatever they set before you - whatever they give you.

When you ask, and someone complies, it is not a gift, it is a solicitation. Fund-raising is asking. Passing the plate is asking.

This scripture is not justification for soliciting or taking a salary of 'filthy lucre' from the flock.
The next scriptures quoted to justify taking 'filthy lucre' from congregations is:  1 Corinthians 9:5-6Don't we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord's brothers and Cephas? Or is it only I and Barnabas who must work for a living?
Here is the supposed logic: Since Barnabas and Paul were the only ones working for a living, and all the other apostles did not work - so that means pastors don't have to work for a living either and instead can take filthy lucre from their congregations. (I would be really ashamed to try to use this logic to justify my wages from a congregation, for such logic pleads: 'I don't have to work for a living.')

Cephas is the name Jesus gave to Peter, who said 'do not preach for filthy lucre.' The above logic concludes that Peter was violating his own command. Peter would not preach for filthy lucre, violating his own command. So that logic doesn't justify asking for money.

As has been explained by George Fox, when a true minister of the word of faith brings someone the "living words of truth spoken from the Spirit of God;" the person who receives them is so overjoyed and grateful, their possessions are no longer important to them; they know they are part of the whole Body of Christ, and they are eager to supply, unsolicited gifts, to meet any need they see of the "man speaking the words of God from the Spirit of God," including their least valued treasures - mammon - but the true man of God would never ask. If the minister had needs, he could gratefully receive the totally unsolicited gift of love, included but not limited to money; the true reward is to see Christ manifested in his followers and to love that person as though he is Christ. The true reward is to have their spirits knit together in love. The true reward is LOVE. None of the early Quaker ministers ever charged or took a salary; some were ministers for 50 years - supported by either working for a living or unsolicited gifts of love. 

But, unless the offered gift was needed, the Quaker ministers would not accept the offers. Below is a quote fromWilliam Caton's biography, describing his early ministry in the England: (Caton was under twenty years of age with no life savings)
We were also at Cranbrook and Staplehurst, where we found a very open people, who were very ready to receive and to embrace the everlasting truth, which we freely and powerfully, according to our measures received, administered unto them, in the demonstration of the eternal Spirit. We had  several large and precious meetings among them, and the power and presence of the Lord God were much with us, in which we rejoiced together, freely distributing the Word of life unto them, which at that time dwelled richly and plenteously in our hearts; and as we had received it freely, so we did dispense the same freely. For though there were those that would have given us both gold and money, which some would even have forced upon us, yet we had not freedom to receive one penny of them; for we told them it was not theirs possessions, but them, which we sought. Many were convinced and much affected with the truth, which with joy and gladness they received.
The apostle said, ‘Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.’ Gal 6:6To betaught in the word, is not to be taught what the scriptures say, or someone's opinion of their meaning; but to be taught as the Spirit of God gives appropriate words to the speaker, tailored to the ears and hearts of his listeners. To be taught in the word, is to be taught by someone who, under control of the Holy Spirit, speaks the Word of God, as heard from God, as commanded by God to them to be spoken, at that specific time, to those specific listeners; as is in 1 Cor 2:13, 'this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. We would naturally want to share everything we had with someone who was truly teaching us words he was given by God to speak to us.
When you ask, and someone complies, it is not a gift, it is a solicitation. Fund-raising is asking. Passing the plate is asking.

How much more would these unsolicited gifts be offered to those who raised the dead, healed the sick, cast out demons, and preached the Kingdom being near; as did the Apostles of the early church? I certainly would not hesitate to give one my car, all my money, whatever I could possibly live without. 
And that is exactly how the early Church in Jerusalem was funded:
This scripture is not justification for taking a salary or soliciting 'filthy lucre' from the flock. 
The next scriptures quoted to justify taking 'filthy lucre' from congregations is: 1 Corinthians 9:7-14
As each member of the flock produces fruit, they are knit into the heart of their spiritual Father. Their spiritual Father then shares in the conduit of love between them, to the Father, and to their fellow believers. This love is the gift of the altar in the temple, the temple being the hearts of the flock. And if the flock truly has love, that love would include unsolicited gifts to anyone with need within the flock, especially the pastor. To "share in the harvest" is to eat of the Fruit of the Spirit produced - to share in the Love of the congregation - love that would be automatically felt by the flock's pastor and spiritual Father, who had helped the members to produce the fruit of the spirit. Yes, the Lord will be sure that his true ministers will receive their living from the gospel and are provided with their material needs, but not by asking for money and/or asking for tithes, which died with the Levitical priesthood along with the Law as the way to justification. The grateful recipients of their words of Truth spoken from the Spirit of God, would supply their needs by unsolicited gifts. Compared to the spiritual benefits which the people received from the true ministers of Christ, it was a small matter if they reaped carnal things as free gifts. Paul states he would not take any money, even unsolicited gifts, because he 'would put up with anything, rather than hinder the gospel.' He did later accept two unsolicited gifts, for which he was thankful and said he had been in great need.
When you ask, and someone complies, it is not a gift, it is a solicitation. Fund-raising is asking. Passing the plate is asking. 
This scripture is not justification for taking a salary or soliciting 'filthy lucre' from the flock.
Ignoring the 'freely you have received, freely give' part of this scripture, they quote: for the worker is worth his keep.(to ignore the 'freely give,' while in the same verse, quoting 'the worker is worth his keep' is classic "cherry picking;" finding isolated verses in the Bible that support their particular doctrines, while ignoring the rest; this is true chutzpah.)
So here Jesus says, eat and drink what they provide, because the laborer is worthy of his wages.What they provide is the wages that Christ allows; eat what is set before you. This is not justification for asking or charging people for their work; or even providing any mechanism for a collection box, nor a click thru for donations, or love-gifts.

Not taking money, extra clothing, shoes, or staff, and freely giving, refers to Christ wanting to show them how they would be provided for, based on their work of healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, and preaching the Kingdom is near. If a person receives such a true worker, actually sent by Christ, that person out of gratitude will give him anything he needs, UNSOLICITED. A true minister of God would never ask for money, or shoes, or clothing, or a staff; he would mow lawns first. He did not tell them to go in and demand money, clothing, shoes, and staff; he said, 'freely give.' He told them what to give, (healing, preaching, raising the dead, casting out demons), and he said do it 'freely.'
Christ was trying to show his disciples that He could take care of all their needs; he wanted them to have confidence that God could provide for their needs. Out of gratitude for seeing someone healed, raised from the dead, or demons cast out, or hearing the real news of the Kingdom, anyone would gladly offer to share any of their material possessions with such a worker; that was the intention of sending them out without money  and telling them not to charge for their ministering. They would not have to ask; they were forbidden to ask: Christ said, 'freely give.' 

When you ask, and someone complies, it is not a gift, it is a solicitation. Fund-raising is asking. Passing the plate is asking. 

This scripture is not justification for taking a salary or soliciting 'filthy lucre' from the flock. 

Luke 8:3 reads, ‘and Joanna wife of Herod's steward, and Susannah, with many others, which ministered unto Christ of their substance.’ This scripture is also quoted to justify preaching for filthy lucre, but it in no way supports soliciting money from people, for what they gave, they gave freely, without pressure or compulsion. Christ never made a law to force people, or ever passed the collection bag around, or ever asked anyone, to give him and his disciples maintenance; if you say he did, show where it is written.

Christ is still powerful enough to take care of the needs of his (if designated by him specifically) ministers today; but they may have to work like Paul did, (he was a tentmaker to provide for his needs.)
The next scriptures quoted to justify taking 'filthy lucre' from congregations is:Gal 6:6
Let him who is taught in the word share with him who teaches in all good things [as needed]. Gal 6:6. To betaught in the word, is to be taught by someone who speaks words supplied by the Spirit of God, not to be taught by someone reading the Bible. As Paul said: "The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart [so you may do it];" that is, the word of faith, which we preach. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God [from within your heart]Jesus is the Word of God, not the Bible. To be taught in the word is to be taught by someone who speaks the Word of God. To feed the sheep is to speak words and teachings heard from the Spirit of God. The Spirit gives life, so words supplied by the Spirit of God to a true teacher or preacher, increase the life of God in their listeners. Reading from the dead letter of the Bible, does not give life to the listeners. The letter kills, the spirit gives life. 2 Cor 2:6; The words that I speak to you are spirit, and the are life. John 6:63. As Paul said: Which things also we speak, not in the words, which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1 Cor 2:13. As Peter said: If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles [words] of God; 1 Pet 4:11.

The preachers today do not feed the sheep. They eat the fat, they clothe themselves with the wool, they kill the sheep that are fat, but do not feed the sheep. Eze 34. They are incapable of feeding the sheep because they have not been taught, perfected, authorized, and sent by the Lord of the Harvest; they are self-appointed goat leaders. Zech 10:3. They don't have words supplied by the Holy Spirit. They have not been gifted and appointed by the Holy Spirit; they have been trained by men, authorized by men, and sent by men. James echoes the same message: If anyone among you considers himself to be religious but does not bridle [restrain] his tongue, he deceives his own heart [thinking himself to be religious], and this man's religion is worthless. My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment; For we all err in many things; and if any man does not err in his words, he is a perfect man. James 1:26,3:1-12. James is saying, until a preacher is perfected, to talk about religion is worthless; so what he teaches is worthless. His errant teachings will mislead his listeners and so will be strictly judged.
The preachers today, feed themselves, by taking money from the flock. Preaching for a salary is the error of Balaam, which is spiritual adultery, loving wages and profit - both Peter and Jude had some very grave things to say about those who solicit donations or preach for a salary. Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children - for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. PeterPaul, and Jesus all spoke strongly against preachers who took money from the flock, feeding themselves at the expense of the sheep.

Yet, the Lord will be sure that his true ministers will receive their living from the gospel and are provided with their material needs, but not by asking for money and/or asking for tithes, which died with the Levitical priesthood along with their ordinances. The grateful recipients of words of Truth spoken from the Spirit of God, would supply the speaker's needs by unsolicited gifts. Compared to the spiritual benefits, which the people received from the true ministers of Christ, it was a small matter if they reaped carnal things as free gifts. Paul, who worked as tentmaker for his income, states he would not take any money, even unsolicited gifts, because he 'would put up with anything, rather than hinder the gospel.' He did later accept two unsolicited gifts, for which he was thankful and said he had been in great need.

The next scriptures quoted to justify taking 'filthy lucre' from congregations is: 1 Cor 16:1-3 

Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given the order to the churches of Galatia, even so I do to you.
Upon the first day of the week let everyone of you lay by him in store, as God has prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.
 And when I come, whomever you shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality to Jerusalem.
The false prophets of today point to this scripture to justify their taking up collections in the deficit sects, which they call the offering. Notice, this was a collection for the poor brothers in Jerusalem suffering from the famine, not for Paul, not for the pastors, not for the Apostles, not for a sect building - for poor brothers in Jerusalem. The gospel was particularly well received in Jerusalem by the poor, which resulted them in immediately being cut off from any aid by the Jewish temple, which collected tithes for the relief of widows, the orphans, and the poor. Plus, there was a famine in the land. So, the churches there were overwhelmed with those in need. For this reason, collections were made for their relief throughout all of Christ's churches.
As has been explained by George Fox, when a true minister of the word of faith brings someone the "living words of truth spoken from the Spirit of God;" the person who receives them is so overjoyed and grateful, their possessions are no longer important to them; they know they are part of the whole Body of Christ, and they are eager to supply, unsolicited gifts, to meet any need they see of the "man speaking the words of God from the Spirit of God," including their least valued treasures - mammon - but the true man of God would never ask. If the minister had needs, he could gratefully receive the totally unsolicited gift of love, included but not limited to money; the true reward is to see Christ manifested in his followers and to love that person as though he is Christ. The true reward is to have their spirits knit together in love. The true reward is LOVE. None of the early Quaker ministers ever charged or took a salary; some were ministers for 50 years - supported by either working for a living or unsolicited gifts of love.

Jesus commanded his disciples: freely you have received, freely give. Matt 10:8
Jesus said:
 And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Luke 10:7-8. So here Jesus says, eat and drink such things as they give, because a worker worthy is hireThis is the wages that Christ allows, unsolicited gifts, which could include a gift of money of course. 

But if someone asks for a gift or contribution, and then someone gives, it is not a gift; a gift is unsolicited. Neither is taking up a collection or taking a salary receiving a gift. To be a gift, it has to be totally unsolicited.

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